13 June 2012

New new stuff!

We are on a short vacation this week so I've been walking around our town like in the old times when we were not living together and still studying ~~

We use to spend loads of time walking around town and just finding cute NOT usefull stuff at the Chinese stores XD.
Here's some cheap stuff we bought.

These are actually kinda usefull o.o. I really like the child like plate It actually help me to control my food portions! And the cupcake is actually VERY usefull since my cats broke my old one T____T.

I've also been in OPorto last weekend and bought some kiko cosmetics and nail polish! I really love this brand, really good quality and super cheap prices!
I got sick meanwhile and had to do some exams so today we are resting ^-^ I hope I'm better tomorrow so we can go to the beach and Friday I have my physical evaluation at my new gim ^^" so I really have to be ok for that!.

See you soon and craft away! ~~


  1. Ei that adorable kid's plate actually sounds like a great idea. I should get something like that too! Portion control :D

    You got really adorable stuff, i wish that sort of thing matched my kitchen but it doesn't. :P

    I loved having you around and I hope you feel better very soon. <3

    1. Isn't it? I was leaving the store without it because I tough "I have no use for that!! But it's so adorable" and then I remember the portion control XD it actually work XD.

      I love to be in OPorto again and to be with everyone "up there".
      I hope I don't end up with some kind of stupid chronic pain or something ^^".

      btw they the plates in yellow too XD I can buy you one and send it XD
